1.) 7 photos total (If you feel ambitious go ahead and do all 12), one photo for each number.
2.) your photos can either represent the number or have the actual number in letters or numbers.
3.) B/W or Colour
4.) Tweaking is allowed.
5.) Photos should be submitted by either Friday, May 29 or Sat. May 30
5.) Have Fun!
Due to allergies I confined myself to the house... so all the photos were taken from everyday home life. I really tweaked these photos, hubby pointed out last week that we have GIMP on the computer so I have been playing with it every since, might have gone over board on it but I was having fun (rule #5)! I really got in the groove and did 0 - 12, I did straight up find objects/things that look like the number. I struggled with the #5 and ended up taking a photo of a calendar 5... it would have been out of place of my series to have done a picture of 5 items. Have fun looking at them... I had fun taking them!