Friday, May 22, 2009

Photo Challeges #17

This week's theme:A Bug's Life

Submit 3 photos of bugs*- they may be of the same bug from different angles, or 3 different bugs.
These may be tweaked they must have some color in them- so no B/W (can have select color**) or sepia

Fly on pavement

Ant on plant container

Wasp on greenery (right after this photo he was attacked by ants but those came out very blurry and not readable, oh well)

---I had a horrible time getting my focus to focus on the bugs, so most are blurry. The second issue was finding the bugs and getting a picture of them before they moved. I am still trying to figure out how to work my focus... very frustrating and I am sure you can tell that through the photos. This was not my week, oh well I will try again next week.


  1. Just a quick thought Katie, the lens you have should have a switch on it to switch the lens from auto focus to manuel. Have you tried using it? :) Sometimes it can be tricky though depending on the focal length of the lens, in order to get a subject in focus you can't be too close.

  2. LOL Katie, I looked through some of the photo challenge photos and realized that I thought you were a different katie! Are you shooting with a point and shoot?

  3. yup I have a point and shoot camera, I can turn off the auto focus but that does not seem to help me.... looking more at all the settings maybe I should have tried the 'movement' or other settings besides the basic camera one

  4. Erin Jo also shoots with a point and shoot. She tells me that the money spot is 3 inches from the critter with the macro setting on. It hasn't worked for me, which is why I sought out GIANT bugs for this challenge so that I would not have that problem. :-)

  5. that is what I have heard... I was going to go to the Zoo or a pet store because they have tons of creepy crawls but ran out of time.

    I will have to remember the 3 in suggestion... some day I will get it to work the way I want it to.
