Saturday, July 18, 2009

Photo Challenge #24

Challenge #24: Pick a day this week and tell us about it using your camera.

1.) Submit as many or as few photos as you'd like.
2.) B/W or Colour
3.) please no tweaking
4.) Photos due Sat. July 18, 2009

This challenge is about telling a story, finding a way to narrate through pictures. You don't have to narrate your whole day, you can pick just a portion of it if you'd like. Have fun!

Thursday July 16th
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM

11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:30 PM
12:45 PM

I would have taken more photos but I left my camera in the car when I switched cars with hubby and headed to work. The above was the first half of my chosen day.


  1. I think I like the last one the best- the fact that the coffee is balancing on the dashboard, and it appears that the car is moving- and the bright blue and green in the background- cool shot!
    I also really like how you are playing around with the angles of the shots a little more- they have a more candid, artistic feel to me- which is nice!
    Oh, and the water coming out of the shower head is pretty neato, too!
    great set!

  2. Nice series! I really like the food one and the McCafe one on the dash. I think that the computer could've used a different angle, but I'm not sure what it would be.

  3. Hi Katie! I love love love that this challenge connects a little back to the something old something new challenge. We got to see a bit of your new bathroom this week!

    I had to click on the first photo to enlarge it, I couldn't resist wanting to read what was on your calendar. What a busy day you had!

    The Wash basket photo is a nice close up of laundry. I really like the light that is coming in from the right side. Nice use of natural light! Perhaps this is a sweet spot in your living room worth taking note of? (I have some sweet spots in my dining room that I use all the time at different times of the day!)

    Favorite photo? Second from last. Totally love al the repeating circles and how there isn't much lese in the photo.
    MMMMMMMmmm...iced coffee!
