Saturday, July 25, 2009

Photo Challenge #25

This week's challenge: Do a setup to specifically "sell a product"- this can be anything, really, for example : hat, shoes, cat food, soap- anything.

The challenge is to do this with a friend, relative, or pet as your model.
Submit 3 photos- and let us know which is your favorite.
These may be b/w, color, or anything in between.
Editing is allowed.

The best cat bed ever... which is actually a big stuffed bunny/toy.

My favorite is the 2nd photo... he looks so comfy and relaxed.

My original thought was to take pics of my other cat but only got one good one before he took off and refused to "pose" any more. I decided to add this 4th photo just because I really like it but did not have enough to make the 3 photo series.

IAMS yummy cat food...


  1. Aww- your kitty looks so comfy!
    The only thing I would maybe like to see with this series is a higher angle- so that we can tell a little bit easier what he (she?) is sitting on- maybe even from directly above. But he was sure a good model for you- he sat so nicely!!
    I also really like the last one- a perfect "ad" shot- and the colors are so vivid- the cat is really into eating that food!

  2. Hiya.

    The last one first the theme the best, though the first three are better photographs overall I think.

    I think a lot of people struggled with this one this week. It's hard to frame photos the way professional ad photographers do. I struggled with it myself.

  3. Nice job! Your cat looks sooo comfy, and doesn't mind at all that you are taking its picture :) However, I think all three photos are pretty similar--the cat lounging on the cushion--but I'm not sure how else I would have photographed it. I think any one of these alone would make a good ad for it.

  4. I love it, i think i'd like to use that cat bed for myself :-p
    I don't know which is my favorite, I definitely like the cat bed pictures.
